Monthly Archives: November 2021

What Supplements Should You Take to Fight Angular Cheilitis or Angular Stomatitis

What Supplements Should You Take to Fight Angular Cheilitis / Angular Stomatitis

Usually, Angular Cheilitis is labeled under the skin conditions, which is mainly true, as it affects the upper layers of skin. However, this disease signals more than a simple skin condition: it is the best evidence you can get that your body is just not functioning the right way and that your immune system is no longer able to effectively fight external conditions. Whether it is because you have lately had some other health problems, you have been through a surgery, you have had a stressful period or the harsh weather conditions have gotten over you, it is highly important to start treating the Angular Cheilitis right from its roots i.e. your weak immune system.

In order to do that you will have to start taking care of what you eat and drink. You should avoid unhealthy food and drinks and make a diet that will offer your body all the nutrients and vitamins it needs. This will function on long terms and will keep your entire body healthy, thus preventing the apparition of Angular Cheilitis. Yet, this will be great for long term, but if you already suffer from this skin condition, working fast is the only way you will get rid of it effectively.

For a fast action you should take supplements. The complex of Vitamin B is the first one on your list. Vitamin B2 (riboflavin), Vitamin B3 (niacin) and Vitamin B6 are the ones which should not miss from your organism if you want to fight Angular Cheilitis. This will strengthen your immune system and help you keep the condition under control. In addition to that, you should also take iron supplements. Because iron is assimilated quite hard by the human body, most doctors recommend the intake of iron supplements in case of Angular Cheilitis. Zinc supplements are also recommended in such cases.

In addition to that, make sure you get enough water. This will keep the area hydrated and will slow down the process of development. Along with the vitamins and minerals it will help the body recover quicker and fight bacteria and fungi in a more effective way. Thus, if you want to slow down the fast evolution of Angular Cheilitis and want to treat it faster than usual, make sure you take these supplements. They will certainly help you in your struggle with this skin condition!

If you no longer want to have those anesthetic and painful cracks around your mouth, if you want to eat, drink and speak normally without experiencing any pain when opening your mouth, then check out this new and revolutionary treatment! It will get you rid of Angular Cheilitis in just a few days, and you will be able to enjoy life to its fullest again, without worrying about those otiose cracks!

Vitamins – Your Ally in Fighting Angular Cheilitis and Angular Stomatitis.

Vitamins – Your Ally in Fighting Angular Cheilitis  

Angular Cheilitis or cheilosis is a condition that affects the skin fro around the lips, most often in the corners of the mouth. The skin becomes irritated and red, eventually cracking and becoming extremely painful. Most of the times, this condition is caused by excessive moisture accumulated in the folds of the mouth and the presence of bacteria or fungi in the respective area. But in addition to this external factor, there is also an internal one underlying it: the lack of vitamins and nutrients that the body needs in order to function properly and defend itself from the external aggression of bacteria and fungi. 

When the immune system is weakened, even the apparently harmless bacteria can cause serious damage to your skin or to your body. Therefore, it is necessary to have a healthy body that functions properly in order to be able to fight Angular Cheilitis fast and efficiently. Because once this disease has appeared, treating it is quite difficult and requires lots of time and patience, it is better to prevent it than treating it.  

In order to keep this otiose skin condition away, it is necessary to have all the necessary vitamins, in the right quantity in your body. This can be done in two ways: either by having a healthy and balanced diet (which is preferred) or by supplementing the vitamins you get from your meals with vitamin supplements (a method recommended when the disease has appeared already, and you must treat it fast). In some cases, especially when the condition is quite severe, you can use both everyday meals and vitamin supplements to increase the number of vitamins from your body. This will lead to a greater absorption of nourishing substances in a small period, which will eventually result in a stronger immune system that will be able to fight the bacteria and fungi and heal the area faster.  

No matter if you choose to change your diet and eat only healthy meals, full of nutrients and vitamins or you decide to take vitamin supplements, you should know that vitamins can really make wonders when it comes to Angular Cheilitis prevention and treatment. In addition to that, vitamins will help have a healthier body that will be able to cope effectively with any type of disease.  

If you no longer want to have those aesthetic and painful cracks around your mouth, if you want to eat, drink and speak normally without experiencing any pain when opening your mouth, then check out this new and revolutionary treatment! It will get you rid of Angular Cheilitis in just a few days, and you will be able to enjoy life to its fullest again, without worrying about those otiose cracks! 


Symptoms of Severe Angular Cheilitis or Angular Stomatitis.

Symptoms of Severe Angular Cheilitis

Having chapped lips does not necessarily mean that you have Angular Cheilitis, nor does it mean that you will certainly develop this disease in the near or long future. Moreover, there are great chances that, if you treat chapped lips right, you can never experience Angular Cheilitis. Yet, most of the times people lick their chapped lips thus favoring the intrusion of bacteria and the development of cheilosis. Here are some of the symptoms you experience when the situation gets worse and the chapped lips or the irritated folds from around the mouth become Angular Cheilitis.

First, you will see some cracks, cuts and sores around the mouth, initially only in the inner corners of the mouth, then gradually spreading all around it. In most of the cases, this condition starts in both corners of the mouth, quite symmetric. In severe cases these cracks and cuts are deep and become very painful when you try to open the mouth.

It is also possible that bleeding may appear when you open the mouth for eating, drinking or even speaking. The bleeding is accompanied by even greater pain, while colorless liquid may also come out of the cracks, especially when some infection has occurred. Usually those suffering from cheilosis get infected with candida, which makes their condition even harder to bear.

Angular Cheilitis may be treated, yet the healing may take weeks, sometimes even months. Hydrocortisone is usually prescribed by the doctor, but other types of medicines such as different antibiotics or antifungal treatment may also be used, depending on how severe the problem is. There are cases in which more than one cheilosis attack may occur during one year. In such situations it is necessary to go to the doctor and ask for another type of treatment, as the bacteria may have become resistant to the antibiotics used previously.

Not each and every red patch around the mouth or all the chapped lips will evaluate into Angular Cheilitis, but if you feel that the skin starts cracking and it becomes painful, it is recommended that you start using some lip balm at first and if the condition does not alleviate then use special ointments that will trap the bacteria in a dry environment, thus killing it.

If you no longer want to have those anesthetic and painful cracks around your mouth, if you want to eat, drink and speak normally without experiencing any pain when opening your mouth, then check out this new and revolutionary treatment! It will get you rid of Angular Cheilitis in just a few days and you will be able to enjoy life to its fullest again, without worrying about those otiose cracks!

How Angular Cheilitis or Angular Stomatitis Affects the Individual’s Daily Life

How Angular Cheilitis Affects the Individual’s Daily Life 

Millions of people get affected by Angular Cheilitis every year. Most of them are old age people or children, but adults and teenagers can be also struck by this cruel skin disease. These people must suffer great pains when cheilosis appears, some of them having to deal with it even more than once a year, times in which they need all the support they can have as Angular Cheilitis is one of those conditions which have negative effects both on the physical and psychological levels.  

The physical suffering alone is great enough to make this condition very hard to cope with. Just imagine, that the skin from all around your mouth is cracked and bleeds each time you try to open your mouth. Whenever you try to eat the skin surrounding your mouth gives you enormous pain, while eating and talking become a real nightmare. It is something which most people cannot imagine, but this disease can reach such a degree of severity that, banal actions such as eating and drinking, will cause great pain. If it is not treated from the incipient phase, the Angular Cheilitis can become quite hard to treat. Sometimes it may take several weeks or even a month or two for the skin to fully recover from this condition. In addition to that, it can come back after a shorter or longer period, so the nightmare will start all over again.  

Leaving aside the physical damages which Angular Cheilitis provokes, we must also look at the psychological effects which this condition can cause. In most cases, people suffering from Angular Cheilitis avoid getting out of the house for fear of not being pointed out. They no longer get out with friends and limit their time spent in collectively as much as possible. The situation is even more difficult when the victims of this condition are children, as their friends and colleagues may be quite merciless when it comes to poking jokes.  

Just as acne, Angular Cheilitis is a disease which affects both the physical appearance and the psychological side. Therefore, it is highly important to stand beside those who must pass through such an experience. If you are the one who must cope with Angular Cheilitis it is advisable to ask for support and let the others help you with a good word whenever you are down. It will help you improve your image of yourself and pass easier through this harsh period.  

If you no longer want to have those aesthetic and painful cracks around your mouth, if you want to eat, drink and speak normally without experiencing any pain when opening your mouth, then check out this new and revolutionary treatment! It will get you rid of Angular Cheilitis in just a few days, and you will be able to enjoy life to its fullest again, without worrying about those otiose cracks! 


Effects of Angular Cheilitis or Angular Stomatitis has on Children and Teenagers


Effects of Angular Cheilitis on Children and Teenagers

Angular Cheilitis, just as many of the skin conditions which affect humans, is a face threatening disease which can have several effects upon the patient. The first such effects which come to your mind are, of course the physical ones: the discomfort, the pain one has to live with as well as the incapacity of feeding themselves properly or the hardship in talking or laughing. Yet, there are some other effects which can be damaging especially for children and teenagers and those effects are mainly of psychological nature.

Angular Cheilitis can have quite an ugly aspect, especially when it is infected and pus is getting out of the sores. Children who do not know what this condition is all about may start laughing or poking fun at their peers who have to deal with such condition. At this level, the child is isolated and nobody wants to talk to them as they are different, they are ugly. This behavior of their colleagues, who reject them, may have serious impact on the psychological development of the child, who no longer feels valuable and has a good image of themselves. On the long run this can transform into a complex of inferiority which may persist even long after the condition has been treated.

Thus, children are mainly the victims of their colleagues’ bad temper. In contrast, teenagers are isolating themselves from the outer world when experiencing such a condition. Even though their friends may not have something against them and even support them, teenagers usually internalize all their feelings and refuse to interact with other people for fear of not being laughed at or for fear of not being wrongly judged only on the basis of their temporary looks.

The psychological implications of this skin conditions can be quite deep when the patients are persons who are now defining their personality and their reactions towards other people and the external world. This is why, if your child or teenager has to cope with Angular Cheilitis it is recommended that you offer them all the psychological support they need. Explaining them what happened and why they have this condition will make them understand this condition, while your affection and support will help them pass through it without any major changes at the psychological level.

If you no longer want to have those anesthetic and painful cracks around your mouth, if you want to eat, drink and speak normally without experiencing any pain when opening your mouth, then check out this new and revolutionary treatment! It will get you rid of Angular Cheilitis in just a few days and you will be able to enjoy life to its fullest again, without worrying about those otiose cracks!